Sunday, September 26, 2010

Carter at Class

This time of year is very busy because classes all start up again. Its nice to have something to do, but usually I'll just sit there waiting for the inevitable moment when Carter will do something to embarrass me...

Usually its something fairly innocent, like he'll steal a toy away from another kid. But that kid will be devastated because he is now forced to play with the yellow hula hoop instead of the red one. Sometimes they cry and I'm thinking, "He took your hula hoop, he didn't punch you in the face!"

But by the time I realize what's going on, Carter is across the room and I'm stuck with the screaming kid, arms extended, longing for the days when he was in possession of the coveted red hoop. Hey kid, do you know there are entire villages out there full of children who've never even SEEN a red hula hoop? You'll play with the yellow one and you'll like it....

Then you get the mothers who speak to their child just loudly enough so that you are meant to hear it, but not meant to think its directed at you. "Its ok Johnny, Carter didn't mean to steal it..." (Yeah, no, I'm pretty sure that's EXACTLY what he meant to do) "I'm sure he'll give it back if you ask nicely..." (HA! Good luck with that, sister!) At this point I"m probably expected to run an intervention...

See how stressful this is?

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